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ETX problems continued

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Ok so I reset the handset and put in my location.

Align tries to set up with North off 10-15 degrees west.

So do a sensor calibration same issue 10-15 degrees west of mag north. Nothing that can be interfering as in the middle of nowhere when doing this no powerlines or metal objects within 100ft.

Not had a clear night to align on Polaris yet but putting in a rough position and if anything off set to the east, when i do an alignment north is still off when it is going through the process.


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My old ETX-125 without LN needed the correct time enterering.

Not sure if yours still need this, but sounds like your time is an hour out.

I always turned off Daylight Saving Time and entered GMT.

You can check on-line what GMT is if you're not sure if it's currently -1 or not.

Good luck


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Thats a good shout Michael. Also, you may be a few degrees out by using mag north instead of true north. I know you havent had a clear night yet for Polaris but when you do just point the north leg (assuming you have the deluxe field tripod) towards the direction of Polaris.

Like Michael, I had the old style ETX. Is it possible to turn off the level north gizmo and do it manually? It really only takes a few minutes. Try and be as precise as possible entering your location too. Your ETX will reward you for it with great gotos.

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If it is using a magnetic system then the underlying rocks could be magnetic and with tectonic movement they could be pointing anywhere and altering the local magnetic field direction. Fairly common to be honest and every chance on an igneous type rock which I think Scotland is. The big hill the castle is on will I suspect have it's own magnetic field.

Have to one place in N America where I parked and looked at the sun about midday, about due South therefore, the inbuilt compass said I was facing North East, I did notice that they had signs along the road warning people of the magnetic anomolly.

Your Magnetic Dec is just over 3 degrees West. So 10-15 is well over the difference. So assuming the scope is a Mak a start up using magnetic North is useless as the error is 3 degrees and the scope will have about a 1 degree view, so the first alignment star it goes to will be well out of view.

Never sure why they added the feature as the manual set up is not difficult, just get a long wide eyepiece and set the finder up.

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