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New pictures first cluster.

Carl Reade

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Out tonight was hoping to catch Saturn and M 13 but trees and fencing along with clouds beat me! :embarrassed:

But was able to get M 81 and my first Glob M 3 with the SCB 2000.

Not much detail in M 81 but M 3 aint bad :grin:



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Davy, did try stacking it but didnt appear to make much difference. Its a single frame with contrast and brightness adjusted. I also tried stacking the full video of M81, again didnt get much difference or pull any more detail out although I am a newbie to processing, playing with Photoshop is hard work :eek:

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Tried stacking moon shot with the st102 and samsung and there was more noise on finished stack than on any one video frame...I done dslr mosaic of moon four pane unstacked and had a lot of noise on finished shot when knitted together in ice..had to Photoshop full backgroundto make it a good shot..Davy

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Find myself spending more time on Photoshop ect because weather poor here..cloudy,, started raining and my ping pong balls on my weather station on top off shed has more rpm than a f1

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Ohh I can relate to that! Had a two hour window last night before the dreded cloud. Heres what I managed i PS with M3. Weather here Rubbish for next few days. Did you ever get the focus sorted?


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Had one night of decent oh goodness me I can see stars night unfortunately I as Dog tired hard day at work had my dinner and fell asleep at kitchen table woke up threw rubbish in bin and give a big sigh.....stars out and ten minute later I'm out cold ..holiday weekend ha that will be a laugh for stargazing will prob snow knowing the weather here.

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