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Meade etx 90ec

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I can only speak about the optics and they are very pleasing. Sharp as a tack very good on planets thanks to the long focal length. If you have dark sky's clusters and small planetary nebulae not that bright but you can see them. i have viewed some double stars to. And if i had the chance to get one for that price on i would jump on it. But on some the older ones the secondary mirror baffle was not properly glued on and slid down the corrector so look out for that.

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good then at leaast you can see it. I see it all to often on eBay people selling them off with the baffle slipping down and people just dont even see it. And even when they get it they dont notice it and just get put off the bobby because the scope performs terribly. But they are very good for the size. On a good night you can see the red spot on Jupiter.

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I had one for 10 years, they are great planet scopes and the optics great and the simple tracking worked very well, but have to agree with Jordan on the notorious sliding baffle. Meade made a mistake on the adhesive and there was no real fix bar returning to the factory. If you can get proof the baffle is still centre then go for it. They can be packed up and taken anywhere, very portable.

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