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Staring works!!!!


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A clear, calm night tonight. The best yet for me in 2 months. I put the scope out to cool at 9 with the intention of just having half an hour looking at the moon after the traditional friday curry. This was the first time I've seen the moon through my scope and once again I was blown away. (I apologize to all the dso hunters, I know the moon is your nemesis). But anyway, half an hour passed, I noticed saturn just popping her head above the horizon. The wife was nodding off on the sofa so I left the scope out for an hour until saturn became visible over the fence and I'm glad I did! I've seen saturn 4 times now but only viewed for about 20mins until tonight. As the title says, staring works!!! I stuck with saturn this time and from seeing just a white ball with a ring around it, after 10mins I could see one moon. After 20mins 3 moons, after 30mins 4 moons and clear bands on the surface. I THINK I could see the cassini division at times but it could have been my imagination. Whether I could or not, I am well chuffed! All that from my light polluted garden using my standard ep's at ×48 and ×120mag. :)


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