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Can visual filters be used for AP

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I've just got my filter wheel installed and just realised I have a few 1.25" filters which may be of use for imaging, but I'm not sure if they are compatible.

I have an 0III filter I use for visual - will this work for AP as well?

I also have an LP filter. Will this work for luminance in my light polluted skies?

Is there any difference between visual and AP filters?

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I may be wrong, but I think the usual difference is that the CCD filters include IR/UV blocking. I guess this isn't much of an issue on reflectors..?

Visual OIII filters are probably broader band pass than the CCD ones... so I don't know how effective they will be for imaging.

My SW LP Filter can be used happily for both visual and imaging.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will come along soon! :)

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My LP filter says that it can be used for imaging, but you need to increase the exposure - 1.2x for nebulous objects, 1.8x for stellar objects. Unfortunately, my OIII visual filter gives no details on exposure increase, but I would guess it would have to be greater than the LPR. I would guess that a series of experimental shots at various exposure factors with each filter (and without) would provide some fairly conclusive results. (In fact, I feel quite inspired to try that myself, now - or, to be more precise, when/if I get some decent skies.)

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