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A little pointer needed

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Hi there

I am just getting started in AP and took a few basic shots of M81 & M82 last night. After i stacked them and shifted the colours in DSS i came out with this...


which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt.

However when i load the image into PS or anything i see this...


As you can see from the histogram the colours are all out.

I was just looking for some guides on how to get the best from my images.


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When you saved image to finle, did you select to embed or apply settings?

Either way, your data is there still, so it can all be fixed in PS, but it's often easier to do the most rough and needed adjustments in DSS first and save with "apply settings".

Also, don't forget to boost the saturation in DSS up a bit before saving. usually 15-20% shuold give you the colors back. :)

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Thanks Steve, ill have a look at them tomorrow.

Here are the 2 shots i managed to get yesterday. Both are only 5 x 2min exposures and darks. Unguided



I have not finished with them in PS. Ill do that after looking at some videos.

Also am i right that adding flats will reduce the glow towards the middle of the shots? and i think my camera could do with a clean to get rid of the dust marks

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Nice. Quiet a lot of details in M51 for that little data, as well as nice colors in M82. M81 looks like it might need more data.

But with processing you shuold be able to get all 3 targets quiet a bit better. :)

Yes, adding flats will even out the picture so it's evenly lit even in the corners. Anotehr bonus is that it also takes care of your dust bunnies more or less, so cleaning teh sensor might be less critical if you take flats. :)

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Sadly there are no flats for these shots. Im still trying to find the best way of taking them. They were more of an experiment to get my head around the processing.

I am currently looking for a way of starting to guide, im trying to find out if a QHY5-II Colour will work as a finder guider.

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