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first light report


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One month since getting my first (adults) scope (skywatcher skyliner 200p), tonight i finally managed to get it out. I've just got in, gonna let my toes thaw a little and go over what is just saw. After an hour or so of looking at whatever stars were visible I used google sky map on my phone to see if there was anything visible from my garden (very limited at the minute facing north east). According to the phone, saturn was just above the moon. And I could see a bright "star" in that position, but no! It was too low for the scope to see over the fence. Do'h! Anyway I was desperate to see what my scope could do, so, missus in bed, she'll never know. I grabbed one of the dining table chairs and took it out. Yes it was a bit dodgy but I had to try! Anyway, it worked! I had my 10mm ep in and as soon as I looked through it was blown away. Saturn, something I've seen in books since I was a kid was there clear as day. I was expecting to be underwhelmed but no, it was beyond my expectations. Can you tell I'm chuffed?! So, that's me, well happy and just wanted to share the news. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice upto this point. It has helped me get this far. Clear skies all.


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Congrats Matt :D

Haven't managed anything but the moon in my new dob yet - same scope as yours - but I've only had it 3 days... Did see saturn in my 3" frac last year, definitely a defining moment in the hobby isn't it? :) :)

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Hi Matt

Glad you got your first view of Saturn its a real wow moment and while balancing on a chair aswell well done. I had my scope out tonight and after visitors left went back out to try to get my first Saturn this yea.r Got it in the eyepiece and changed to webcam just got it focused and in rolled the cloud .

TBH It was freezing so I packed up theres always tomorrow

Gratz on your first light

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Cheers fellas. Yes dave it was blumming freezing out there tonight and the cloud kept rearing its ugly head but I couldn't let patchy cloud stop me tonight. Kev, think you'll be well impressed with the scope. I found the "nudging" to be easier than I expected. Just read on another thread that titan was there as well but I was so caught up with saturn I've not realised till now that it was clearly visible (I stupidly thought it was a star even though it moved with the planet)

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Sounds Like a great moment and a deep hook had been latched onto you!

If the fence is a bother think about a water butt base.

Hoping for clear skies myself to get my first Saturn of the year. Was out for half an hour two days ago watching the moon and had no idea Saturn was right there lol. Lack of prep I guess. I usually watch dso which don't require much planning

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