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TAL 2M Mount Questions


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Sorting out my TAL-2M to get it running tonight.

Here are a few random questions:

1) The dec setting circle - mine was on backwards for some strange reason! I have switched it around now so that the little arrow marker rides in the corner groove. That little arrow - is it only held on by the set screw (which looks a bit like a finder scope screw)? There is a bit of a gap between it and when the counterweight bar is screwed in all the way home.

2) Setting the latitude of the scope - there is a tightnening bar and a knob - they both perform the same function? Because I am at about 60 N the knob interferes with the manual RA knob. Also, what would I do if I went further than 60N (north of Oslo)... the motor housing gets in the way of the pillar. Or is that just something TAL owners have to live with?

3) Balancing is a bit tricky with the RA axis. There is a bit of friction due to the clutch plates - any suggestions?

4) As regards the two clutches... first tighten the big clutch to the point that the telescope moves when the knob is turned, but no tighter. Then tighten the other clutch until the clockwork mechanism is just able to allow the scope to track (I'll choose Jupiter)

Any advice/supportive comments always appreciated.

I'll let you know how I get on!

All the best


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I find the 2M mount a bit weird and wonderful

first and foremost, It's build really well, I honestly think it could accommodate Jodrell bank's dish

There are no locks on the Ra or Dec to mess around with, just swing your OTA to where you want.

The supplied pier is also a sturdy construction that could also accommodate a SAM 2 installation (I think that's where this came from)

Now the bad:

Took me ages to realise that the RA setting circle is for the southern hemisphere (backward), have a look at my photo albums to sort that out

Here in South Wales I'm at 52 deg North (ish) and the locking control and the RA are in very close proximity, Luckily, You have two RA controls, so if there is a problem, remove the offending...

Setting for Latitude was a bit of a pain with both the locking control and lever, so I fabricated a threaded control to adjust, again take a look at my photo's

Again, it's a bit weird you have two locks in latitude, So I find that using the lever as a "brake" and then the Control as the final lock

Balancing in the RA is a pain, you are supposed to slacken off the Main RA clutch a bit (accessed through a little panel at the back) Balance then re tighten.

After getting a bit fed up with this, I noted the position of the counter weight and marked the shaft with a Sharpie, If I add a camera etc, I guestimate.

A good indication is that the RA control works better in one direction than the other, make minor adjustments to the weight until you can move RA in both directions with out any "slip"

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After getting a bit fed up with this, I noted the position of the counter weight and marked the shaft with a Sharpie, If I add a camera etc, I guestimate.

I am going to use some masking tape along the counterweight shaft and mark off where the counterweight should go if a camera is attached.

It might be I can include three markers - one for a small eyepiece, one for an eyepiece and barlow attachment, and one with the camera attached. Then I can make good guestimates for any extra weight I want to put on the focusser.

All the best


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