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TS Optics, Skywatcher or Baaders coma corrector for Explorer 200 PDS


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I'm in the need of a coma corrector to have between my 200PDS and 550d, and i'm simply unsure of wich gives the best result?

The Skywatcher is acting like a 0,9x reducer, while the TS Optics gives 0,95x, so i'm guessing they're optically a little different, and the Baaders i don't know.

The reducing doesn't really matter for me though, it's mainly important that it's optically good and gives pinpoint stars all over the APCc size sensor.

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Both coma correctors are good! I own the Skywatcher one which I use for my 8" F4 Quattro and it works ok which I get a slight hint of coma on the edges but the Skywatcher one really works perfectly with a F5 reflector, so your PDS reflector will work perfectly!

I've heard that the Baader one's are much better but slightly more expensive, but the quality on the coatings are much better than the Skywatcher, I'm not sure on the TS one but usually they should be good quality as well, I'm not complaining cos I've bought a new TS 115mm Triplet APO F7 Refractor from them and the engineering quality is quite superb!

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I see, so that means?:

Baader = best, but more expensive

SW = good

TS = most likely good

Are they all optimised for F5 scopes? It's not very big price difference on them, so i'd like to buy a good one to begin with as it's not going to be something i'll upgrade in teh future unless i change scope.

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Can you link the products you are looking at? Im considering a coma corrector and want something that sit in the optical path like a barlow rather than screws onto the eyepiece. Something that works for 2" (and therefore 1.25" as well) and works on a F4.5 and slower. And, if possible, has threads for filters so I dont have to put them on the eyepieces.

Essentially im looking for something I just leave permanently in the focuser.

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They all appear to be screw ons which means a bit of faffing about in the field.

Just so you are aware, this one is the daddy of coma correctedness:


It is the object to which all objects destined to correct coma have to be compared against.

Of course being a TV product it doesnt just do one thing well, it's a really awesome piece of kit.

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I mean just read this and tell me it doesnt make you want one:

  • The new Paracorr Type-2 does such a magnificent job of eliminating coma and increasing the size of the diffraction limited field of view that contrast, resolution and limiting magnitude are all enhanced! In fact, the increased contrast and the jet-black backgrounds were the first things every observer commented on.
  • All in all, using ultra-wide-field eyepieces, such as the Ethos with the Paracorr Type-2 in a fast reflector achieves a synergy that brings a new level of dramatic visual observing experiences.
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I thought coma correctors extended the focal length of a scope not reduced it.

Baader,is the best of the ones you list, SW seems good too, I do not like TS stuff one bit I bought a scope from them and it was bent !!!!!! More to the point they told me this was how it should be.


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I mean just read this and tell me it doesnt make you want one:

  • The new Paracorr Type-2 does such a magnificent job of eliminating coma and increasing the size of the diffraction limited field of view that contrast, resolution and limiting magnitude are all enhanced! In fact, the increased contrast and the jet-black backgrounds were the first things every observer commented on.
  • All in all, using ultra-wide-field eyepieces, such as the Ethos with the Paracorr Type-2 in a fast reflector achieves a synergy that brings a new level of dramatic visual observing experiences.

I want one I want one I want one, just a minute I don't have a newtonian


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