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advice sought on DSLR connection to 200p dob

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Hello everyone.

Could do with some advice before parting with some cash.

I have a Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian and was wondering the following:

I'm looking at taking some snaps of the moon - is this possible with this telecope?

I have Nikon D70 DSLR, is the 2" adaptor preferable to the 1.25"?

And finally, as well as the adaptor above would I need anything else?


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The 1.25" adapter barrel unscrews to reveal a t-ring, all you need is a t-adapter for your camera (model specific) and you're away.

You have to use the t-ring on the 1.25" adapter because it's lower profile than normal t-rings and allows you to get focused.

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I've used my scope and DSLR to take photos of the moon. It's so bright you can use short exposures and fast ISO settings so the lack of tracking is no problem at all. Here's one of mine:


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I forgot to say. My photo was taken with a x2 skywatcher barlow attached to the t-ring which was attached to the camera. The skywatcher barlow is threaded so that you can do this.

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