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Platform for tripod

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I have a spot outside my back door where I can put my tripod and scope for observing but I have to take it back indoors when I have finished. The next time I want to put out tripod, it takes quite a few minutes to get the tripod level because the whole area has got granite chipping to a depth of approx 1 inch and I thought about making a plarform with three poles on it that I could put into holes in the ground like you use for a rotary washing line so that I will have a level platform almost immediately.

Does anyone have any good suggestions as the skies have been really good lately.

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Not a bad idea. Alternatively you could put three paving blocks down directly onto the underlying ground and chip a little x where the tripod legs go. After you have it set up for the first time, mark the tripod legs with a permanent marker so that you'll know just how much you need to extend them next time. Saves a bit of time.

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Not onto the gravel. Remove all loose material from where you want to place the pavers, set them in the undisturbed ground and then replace the loose gravel around them. The pavers then end up at the same level as the surrounding gravel but form 3 solid bases for the tripod legs. When marked in the appropriate places setup becomes a bit quicker.

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I use 3 paving slabs set into the gravel in my back garden. I marked where the tripod legs went and used a small cold chisel to make three little dimples for the legs to sit into.

Means I can set up without having to go through the faff of alignment every time.

Though TBH I tend to leave the mount under a Telegizmos cover and just bring the 'scope in, but if the weather does get very horrid I can bring teh tripod in without worry.

I also have a secondary observing position just outside my back door where I get a reasonble view east.

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