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The best Christmas present ever!


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At long last the sun came out and I was able to take my Coronado PST out into thegarden.

All I can say is wow! I wasn't expecting very much as I hadn't used one before

and thought just seeing a red disc would be an achievement on my first go.

I was amazed with the detail that the PST was capable of showing and have just spent several very happy hours gazing in wonder at our nearest star.

It's got to be one of the best Christmas presents ever!

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Great present by the sounds of it - What kind of detail do you see with a purpose built scope ?


I was surprised at the detail as I thought I wouldn't see much bearing in mind the price up against the

other solar scope models.

I could see the surface details, filaments and prominences very clearly. The only bit I struggled with was

the initial focusing as it was very different from my telescope. Now that's sorted out next time will

be easy.

All I need now is the sun to look at as I have a feeling that my PST will be gathering dust along with my

telescope with the way the weather is shaping up!

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