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Anyone using a graphics tablet?

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As I get more into image processing, I'm more and more beginning to see the power of Photoshop tools such as layer masks and the history brush. My first attempts have been woeful due to my complete cackhandedness with a mouse (I'm so unco-ordinated it's scary). Rather than give up(probably the wisest move!), I'm thinking about buying a cheapish graphics tablet so that I can get finer control for this type of image processing.


Does anyone else use this type of graphics tablet for image processing?

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I have had a couple of Wacomn tablets started with the smaller cheaper ones and then went for a decent A5 one... I stopped using it when I went multi monitor and ran out of deskspace.. it's one the shelf beside me at the moment...

They can take a while to get used too so I would go for a cheap one and see how you get on.... I might dig it out and start using it on the laptop as the touchpad is a nightmare for editing and the wirelss mouse report rate is too low for accurate tracing...

looks like things have moved on a bit.. the new ones support pen and touch modes with multi-touch gesture support... hmmmm....


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I only get basic functionality in Win7 on the Laptop - Pressure Sensitivty, Pentop Eraser etc not working only basic pointer positioning... On the Vista Desktop PC I get full functionality ... Th eDrivers from the Wacomn site whicha are supposed to work in Windows7 dont recognise the tablet so it looks like it might be using a generic tablet driver ... :(

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I use a Wacom Bamboo with PS and find it really useful when working with layer masks.

Takes a bit of getting used to but it tucks out the way when I need to use the mouse.

Same here :icon_salut:

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