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Which planetarium software?


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I currently use TheSky6 software and was considering upgrading to TheSkyX. I use the TheSky6 to control my HEQ5 mount when I'm doing any imaging runs but other than that I don't really use it for anything else. Tyhe most important feature I use is being able to slew to an object, get it in the centre of view and sync thereby building up better Goto and tracking capabilities when imaging.....this is really importnat to me.

However, I was going to use it to find and track astroid 2012da14 but I understand TheSky6 isn't up to the job and needs updating.

Before I spend any money I wondered what you guys think. Would free software like Stellarium do what I need or is there any other/better software that you would recommend?

Cheers guys

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Goto "setup" then "Solar system" and click the "asteroid" tab. "Load MPC file" and "download" and the latest file will download. Then "prepare monthly data" - put in the date and hit "compute". Click "apply" and come out of the window. It should all be there. If it doesnt have what you want you can, if you have the orbital elements, manually add a single asteroid.

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Goto "setup" then "Solar system" and click the "asteroid" tab. "Load MPC file" and "download" and the latest file will download. Then "prepare monthly data" - put in the date and hit "compute". Click "apply" and come out of the window. It should all be there. If it doesnt have what you want you can, if you have the orbital elements, manually add a single asteroid.

Excellent, I'll give it a go right now. :)

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Hmmm, I'm struggling with this. Done the setup, solar system, Asteroid, load MPC file etc but I still can't find it. When I search for asteroids it gives me a filter box with 500 options??? Help!

I'm doing something silly obviously but I just can't seem to fathom it:(

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Which particular Asteroid are you looking for?

I've sorted it..I'm looking for 2012 DA14 and didn't realise that I had to type that into the filter box as well as the search box.

It looks like a neat program this, can't wait to see how it works with my mount for imaging.

Thanks for your help!

:) :)

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It works very well with EQMOD. Once you get used to it it is a really good program. If you want you can download star catalogues to about mag16+ (I think) and this will be more than you will ever need!! You can "goto" a 16mag star within a DSO if you want to (can't think why you would want to - but you can do it :cool: )

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