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Thought I saw a galaxy but it was a star forming region!


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Out tonight looking for more galaxies.

Tried for NGC 2866...Mag 11 should be possible? but no.....

Its a very low surface brightness galaxy


It has a very bright star forming region http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic1207/

This is NGC 2363 which I did see. At first after checking the drawing to CDC I thought my eyes must be deceiving me as I had the galaxy in the wrong place but on closer inspection I realised I could see the star forming region 10 million light year away. Part of the more famous M81/M82 group.

So give it a whirl. Go for high power and look for what looks like a slightly extended galaxy core...



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Well done! The Hubble image on that page is truely amazing. Hard to believe it can resolve such detail down to individual stars in a galaxy 10 million light years away. Mind boggling. Imagine what the James Webb is going to be capable of!

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