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DSLR Tripod to fit in suitcase

Fordos Moon

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Hi guys. I will be going to Gibraltar later this year. Last time I went the skies were very clear so I am intending on taking my Canon 1100d to take some night sky images.

Can anyone recommend a lightweight, value for money tripod that will fit in my suitcase?

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Was wondering if one of the gorilla pods would work?

The Gorilla pods are quite small, and don't extend, i've got a HAMA traveller mini pro, its tiny but raises to a reasonable height, not as sturdy as a Manfrotto or Giottos but it should take a few kilo's of weight and its got a small ball and socket head built in :)

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I find the Manfrotto 190 series (CF or aluminium) one of the best travel tripods, but at £100 w/o a head, it may be considered a bit on the expensive side....

I think Velbon does do a coupe of small/value versions with an integrated video head (the smaller sherpa series?), which you may consider suitable for using it only on a few times a year. My main beef with those is the plastic screws in the one I had in mine a few years ago.

You may also find that Calumet do their own alternatives to Manfrotto tripods and I think there is one with an integrated head. Not the lightest builds but fairly robust. A friend of mine used one for a large Horseman 4x5 camera.

The Larger Gorillapod is quite capable, as long as you have somewhere to fix it to (tree, post, table, bench, or such). I have one as backup as a travel tripod for normal photography, when carrying my 190CF is not an option. The larger Gorillapods wil still fit in my camera bag. They are expensive for what they are, though. And you really need the larger one...


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