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Premium Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece £36...Any good?

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Can anyone who has this please confirm if its any good for a 12 inch flextube Dob.

FLO are charging £36 for Premium Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece...Sorry for all the questions lately but I am sure you are used to it ;-)

I am just getting started in this hobby and am finding the Laser ones for over £100 are taking me over my current budget. Help and advice is as always hugely appreciated. Thanks Lee

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I was given a chesire from FLO as a present but I have to say I have not really used it, other than when I first got it.

I am far happier using an old 35mm film canister with a small hole in the top. Then once outside and polar aligned switch to a 5mm or 10mm EP, defocus Polaris and adjust the screws on the mirror to centre the shadow.

Others I know love their laser colliminators.

Perhaps a visit to your local astro society and ask if anyone has one and if they would show you how it works, or indeed, if it would work well with your scope?


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