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Seeing Parts of Southern Constellations from Jersey


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I was wondering if it was possible to see small parts of southern constellations from Jersey that can't be seen from the British mainland. I know that Jersey's latitude is around 49 degrees. An astronomer called Derek Hasleden who has an excellent website with a list of the constellations and brightest stars told me that small parts of Phoenix and Horologium should be just above the horizon when seen from Jersey, but would there be any other constellations?

I know that the top of Vela can be seen from Southern England, although none of the bright stars can be seen.

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You can input jerseys location into stellarium and see whats visible at each time of year :)

Thanks, I will look.

Staying on the subject of southern constellations, I am pretty sure I saw a star in Caelum tonight at around 8.00. I looked from my bedroom wondow with my 60x spotting scope and there was a very dim star only just visible through the light pollution, very low in the south. I was lucky to see Columba on Sunday as well - the stars were still quite dim through all the murk

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