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Its collimation time!! tips tricks and help.

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Hi Bingevader,

Agreed. Yes I have astro-fever bad!! haha. but I am in no rush to possible mess anything up smile.gif

The views I had the other night were amazing and seemed really crisp, so Im sure collimation will hold off for a while, while I just enjoy the scope. I will do a basic star test (defocusing) the next clear night we have (maybe tomorrow, but rather than clouds it looks like wind could be a problem!! mad.gif ) and that will give me a rough idea of the collimation.



Hi Jez,

If the views you had the other night were crisp & well focused & your happy with them, I'd leave it alone as Bingevader mentioned above. Absolute perfect collimation is not strictly needed unless your imaging. As the old saying goes, 'if it aint broke, dont fix it'.


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Lee.....LOL.......yup thats collimation. Its weird at first and your wondering what the hell is all this about, what the heck am ai looking at. Its very, verY hard to explain it in text and pictures and then one day you suddenly get an 'ah ha' moment and it all comes together.

Part of the reason for doing the guide was so many collimation tutorials I found were wrong, they dont take account of the offset effects so newbies end up trying to avheive an impossible view of conventric circles which cant ever happen with a fast scope or they were hopelessly technical and very hard to follow.

I can only take credit for

the typing really as Jason Khadder did the hard work of explaining it to me in words of less than two syllables, the man has the patience of a saint. After many PMs he finally knocked the principles into my dense head and having finally 'gotten it' i decided to get it down on paper before a forgot, so Jason wouldnt have to do it all again and so other people as dense as me could have a guide thats simple enough to follow but covers all the important stuff.

Glad you found the guide of interest and use, i try and keep it updated as more questions get asked but theres always a danger you put so much stuff in that it becomes a bit of a brain ache to read it all and it all to easily lapses into another ne of those massive technical texts which people like me cant ever be bothered to read :)

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