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Damp air, telescopes and lenses.

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Hi All,

Firstly, I hope everyone had/is having, a good night viewing. I know lots of peeps hate there being a full moon, but it was my first time viewing her through a scope, so I loved it!!! Although now i am nearly blind as i haven't any filters yet!

Anyway, back on topic, my question is-- it was pretty damp outside tonight and im not sure how to best to store things. So...how should i being taking care of my scope and EP's when its has got wet from the moist air?

Everything is only two days old and I'm basically keeping the scope in the moulded polystyrene packing and original box, lid open. And at the moment i've just got the eyepieces sitting out on the side as i only have the original little cardboard boxes they came in. Should I be stuffing silica gel everywhere?

I really have know idea whats best so any advice tips/tricks you have, please share with me

Thanks in advance

P.s I just had to share with you all the fact that I managed to locate and track my first Messier object tonight, M42. And Jupiter with four moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) and then spent as long as my eyes could cope checking out the Amazing full moon. So i am feeling pretty chuffed with myself considering its only my second night viewing (last night doesn't really count though, as only had 3mins viewing)

Here's a little snapshot of the lunar maiden i took earlier on S2

27/01/13- FullMoon

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Leave the caps off till they dry both the scope and the eyepieces (eyepieces should dry quickly) and point the tube slightly downwards so that no runs drip onto your mirror. glad you enjoyed yourself

Hi Rowan,

Thanks for the advice have taken note :)

Should I get silica gel too?

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