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Dob 250PX Tube for Imaging on NEQ6 ???


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Rik on the general astro lounge forum offered quite an intriguing prospect. I am getting a general visual type of scope anyway (after sellign my CPC) so was looking at 10 or 12 inch Dobsonian (i.e. 250P or 300P). However, the 250P tube, with appropriate rings could be a great AP scope on the NEQ6 I already have? I wouldl never use the 250P tube for visual on that mount (the EP gets into some real PITA positions I understand) but for AP? That's an intriguing prospect. A large aperture scope at F4.5 for visual that can also serve as an AP scope on a mount I already have! Kills two birds with one stone.

Anyone have any opinions on this idea? What would I need to do to get a DSLR connected to the Newt?

This really is most interesting. I have recently realized £2100 from a sale elsewhere. If the scheme above worked this would free up some money to go towards a CCD..... :)

What do you think?

Rgds, Steve

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The focal length is a bit long for the EQ6, and the weight and length of the tube push the mount to its limits, I would guess. Any wind and you are looking at a lot of wobble. I am not saying it would be impossible, some people use a 200P on an EQ5 mount and get away with that. I am just saying it would be a challenge.

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