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Jan 25, 2013: First light on new dual-scope solar set-up.

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The skies have cleared here, but there is still a lot of haze about. I set up my new solar set-up, consisting of the Lunt LS35THa for H-alpha, and the APM 80mm F/6 and the new Herschel wedge for white light. I mounted the lot on the Vixen GP mount with a second-hand dual mount bar on the pavement across the street (the trees across the water at the southern end of our garden are too tall). Setting the system up was plain sailing, sorting out the balance was quite straightforward. The views through the H-alpha scope showed quite a few prominences on the limb. The green view through the Baader Solar continuum filter takes some getting used to, but the image showed good contrast in the faculae and sunspots. Seeing was quite horrible, with the sky boiling away over the rooftops our garage. The view in H-alpha was more stable, but there too a lot of turbulence was seen.

I considered doing some imaging, but given the combination of haze, poor seeing, and the shadow of our neighbours house encroaching on my viewing patch, I decided against that.

Still first light of the new set-up was successful, just two days after getting the new stuff. I count myself lucky!




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