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Turned out nice again NOT!

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Well what a nice and pleasent summers evening here in Blackpool................ two RIOT'S outside my home :shock:

I was getting the Astro 3 mount ready for mars later on Tonight in the front garden when SMASH someone got thrown out of the pub doors/window 50-60 people rushed out and total carnage broke out! all of them were fighting inc the women and kids. Quickly retreating back inside with the astro 3 mount under my wing i go upstairs to phone the police and watch from the top window. 25mins later police arrive its all over.

About an hour and half later i decide to goto the shops for some milk after calming my kids down. Come out of my shops to see again 50 to 60 people or more fighting and smashing cars etc in the street right oppersite my front door! I gota get home check everyone is ok so i had to hop over my garden fence as the enterance was full of people fight etc. Riot vans police etc turn up and clear the rabble and crowd.

It's now 25mins since and all calm i do hope it stays that way now. Well first thing in the morning i am off the estate agents.

James :x

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Prob someone spilt someone's pint :) i have to laff or i will go insane.....

My idea is that the mix of beer and spirit's put together with a hot sunny day prob did it mmmmmm could be the cause of those GRBS too :)


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We've never had that sort of action outside our house.....made your evening interesting if nothing else. Actually we could have done with a bit of that down our way to make up for the lack of good skies.

The police are pretty useless it has to be said and that's hard to say as i'm pretty pro police (dad ex-police plus two uncles and an aunt in the police). 25mins is way too long to respond, may as well not bothered turning up. Actually they probably timed it knowing the trouble may blow over by the time they arrive.

Good luck at the estate agents, although i wouldn't recommend selling a house right now. The market is flat. People come round to look but that's it. Don't even make an offer.


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