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Eyepiece Rec. for 12" Lightbridge

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I bought a second hand Meade lightbridge DOB (12"). It came with two Meade QX eyepieces, a 26mm 2" and a 30 mm 2". My intentions were specifically to hunt for DSO, and so far (since Christmas, and from my backgarden in Glasgow) have managed to have some very good views. I love the wide fields that these eypieces provide (around 50x, since fl=1500).

I have however two problems. First one is that I would also like to see planets and doubles. I bought a cheap 1.25" 9mm possl (Revelation Astro make) from which I get horrible views (with a very small apparent field of view and some artifacts). I am torn between buying a new eyepiece or getting a barlow, which at 2X it would give me a 100x and a 115x, but would like to hear any recommendations. Cannot spend a huge ammount, just want something functional...

My other issue is that with the eyepieces that I have, I get out of focus stars around the periphery of view, more so than in other scopes I have had. I believe this is because its a fast scope at f/5, but would like to check if anyone knows (or is this an error in colimation)?

Finally, is there any way to get these clouds to go away?

Really appreciate any advice...

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BST or X-Cels would be the obvious choice, both are 60 degree, and quite well respected at F5.

Failing that, and your preference of wider views than a Plossl, you're looking at > £100 such as Meade 5000 UWA or ES82's

As a general rule of thumb:

Price, edge performance, wide view - Pick 2 and forget the other...

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...My other issue is that with the eyepieces that I have, I get out of focus stars around the periphery of view, more so than in other scopes I have had. I believe this is because its a fast scope at f/5, but would like to check if anyone knows (or is this an error in colimation)?...

Can't help with the clouds and I agree with Spec-Chum's advice re: the BST Explorers and Celestron X-Cel LX's. I would have thought the 9mm plossl should have given decent views though all the same - 166x should be entirely usable and the Revelation plossls are not poor eyepieces, unless you have one with a fault.

On the out of focus stars at the edges of the field of view, this is quite common when using a fast scope (F/5 is fast) with lower cost eyepieces. Eyepieces that are well corrected at the field edges in fast scopes are more expensive because it's a hard trick to pull off. I'm afraid the supplied Meade 26mm QX is particularly bad for this issue - I really don't know why they bundle it with the Lightbridge scopes.

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I should've added that I managed to disassemble the optics of the posl; maybe I got the order/sides wrong when reassembled... What an idiot does this? I was using the lens shell to construct a pinhole to use for colimating the OTA at the time. It's impossible to check colimation by viewing through the 2" focuser without a pinhole so your view is always centered....

BTW if anyone does need to do this; I learnt there is no reason/point in taking the lenses out; just use the lens out shell, and place a Tropicana juice cap in the middle, they make a perfect fit, and you can drill a small hole in the bottle cap....

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An old 35mm film container (if you can still find them) with a small hole drilled in the end makes a good collimation cap and saves sacrificing an eyepiece. I'd put the plossl back together as Spec-Chums diagram shows and give it another chance.

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