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Celestron NexStar Alignment

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Whether you are using 1, 2 or 3 Star methods try to choose bright stars which are well separated and not near the horizon. And it really does help if you accurately centre the stars you are using. To do this first start of with the 25mm and when you think you have it centered, defocus the star so that it forms a large circle. It is much easier to centre it then. Now switch to the 10mm and repeat the process. Do this for all the stars and you should end up with a good alignment.

Avoid the planets except perhaps for the 3rd 'star' of the 3 star alignment - it is only used to validate the other 2. When you finish use the Hibernate facility and when you restart make sure that you use the same watch for entering the time.

For further help see Michael Swanson's Alignment guide.

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My 4se's go to drive is screwed up, and the star alignment is way off when trying to find deep sky objects. My goto couldnt even find M31 without being off by 7° or more. And the stars used to align the scope were far apart in the sky, why does it do this??

How is it powered?

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Shellshock. Select the Menu option, then Utilities then the up or down button until you find Hibernate. Slew the scope if you want to change its position, then Press Enter, then you can power off. If you then don't move the scope until the next time you use it you can restart it by entering the Time and you don't have to realign. Obviously if you don't have a permanent position for it this facility is not useful. If you haven't got a manual then you can download it from the NexStar Resource site.

RobStargazer15. Did you verify that the stars you used were actually the ones that the scope found? I have had Mars identified as Betelgeuse before now - ok they're both red - but it did mean the scope was way off! Don't use the planets except perhaps as the 3rd 'star'. To check after the Alignment Successful message press the Undo button and see what it shows.

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