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Dark Matter, Black Holes & Dark Energy


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Was wondering what people make of these theories. Have been researching into the origins of the black hole & dark matter theories and have a few reservations myself about what i have found.

1. Dark matter, the theory from the 80's happens because of the rate Galaxies are supposed to rotate are faster than their structure allows. Before studying the structure of Galxies here, the data they had to go off, i'm assuming was that of the local clusters. They theorized that it would first be hot, were just about to publish this idea, when they realized it wasnt there, so said it would be cold. Given that there was no radio signature of it after the theory had been accepted, and the radiowaves of the outer universe were collected, it must have no affects with matter at all other than a gravitational one yes? At the same time this happened, they were measuring red shifts of the Galaxies & were able to place them in structures, strands which contrary to what should have happened with dark matter werent 'globularised'. It is understood to make great sense still and is widely accepted to be real.

2. Stellar Black holes. Were theorised in 1919 where masses 3 times the gravity of the earth with a size of the Earth would be black holes. In the 70s, Cygnus x1 was thought to be just this, but acted just like a neutron star going round a red giant type thingy. In 2000ish, a black hole was eventually discovered around the Milky Way. To explain the creation of such things they believe they are created in these 'theoretical' Gamma-Ray bursts, in which any local -7000 L/Y's events wont happen for 1M years hence. The statistics of these rare explosions point to there being 10s of 1000s of them in the Milky Way. & even that they should have killed all ife on Earth a couple times already... (anything within 1000L/Y's would get 'radiated') There are none discovered exept, Cygnus X1 & V404 Cygni, both in Cygnus coincidentally, which do the exact same things as Neutron Stars In Close Orbits of other stars (type 1 S.N's). Theyre not largely explained about like the super-massive black hole in the Milky Way, the guy in charge of looking foe stellar black holes still even says he'd like to see one in his lifetime.

3. Dark Energy, with the results of the red shifts of Galaxies gathered in the late 80's, the rate of universal expansion speeding up, ending the 'big crunch' theory and everything, these results were explained to be some un-known energy force called 'dark energy'.

Realizing that, with the exception of dark energy, these theories were accepted before any large amounts of evidence were gathered, and also that they don't make 'perfect sence' and have slightly political reasonings for being there too, trying to explain the un-explainable almost! I'm sceptical myself, I realize a great deal of people are subjected to such things but doing my own cross referencing, studying the history behind them, they are actually a way to actually explain everything. Does anybody subscribe to any of these 3 main theories & the reasoning surrounding them?

Apologies if my grammars a bit off and everything.

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Oh, Ive just thought of something. The thing that links these together is the theory of relativity. They first thought of black holes because of even though Einstein the relativity who didnt believe they were real, a guy named Schwartzchild Said they would be there. It even pointed to dark matter as the rotation of the spiral arms & perhaps the drift of their edges back to the core didnt fit into it, or the e=mc2 compared to our accelerating universe can not explain it so we coin the term dark energy. They do say its great though for solar exploration with only minor adjustments ect., the whole 'modern philosophy' of space has this equation at its heart and these theories prove it.

I guess thats why in black holes where the laws of space & time don't exist, who's to say they dont tear the 'fabric of space time' into a new dimension hey.

The I think Voyager probe is slowing down faster than expected back toward the sun though........

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