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Advice what to do....?

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Hi, I have got myself into AP and as a result I am selling my CPC1100 since it is too much money's worth not being routinely used... I can realize about £2500 flogging it with all its options.

I currently do my DSO with a NEQ6 and a ED80 - both super. I am keeping these. But I also still like visual astronomy. So I have these thoughts:

1. Buy a good used C9.25 OTA (for visual stuff and also some DSO and planet AP). I do like my CPC1100 but it serves only visual purposes and I want more versatility from such an expensive piece of tin. Leaves me about £1700 for other bits - like a OAG for the C9.25 for AP... Also another larger refractor. This is my currently thinking. The C9.25 can give me "closer up" DSO AP views on PN and GLobulars leaving me the ED80 for wide field.

2. Buy a 8"Newt or a quattro or even a MN190 for DSO AP and maybe a 250P Dob for my visual fix.... Never used anything without GOTO before so a Dob is a leap of faith!!

3. Buy a bigger refractor? I do like refractors but feel they wont be so good for visual do to the smaller aperture?

I must take down every night so ease of setup is quite important. Also the money is for use on scopes - not CCD cameras (which i don't have yet and will be funded from another budget in a year or two).

Thanks for reading my waffle and look forward to your thoughts!!

Rgds, Steve

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I'm a dob fan, for flexibility and ease of set up I find them great. You could get a push to set up like mine instead of goto with it. I wouldn't want anything bigger than my 10" having to take it in and out every night though. Good luck with your decision.

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Although I'm not a dob user, there are a lot of arguments for them.

Perhaps an 8" dob to see how you get on?

If you don't like it, then you should be able to sell it on easily.

A new SW200 dob is just under £300 and saleable so not a big risk..

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