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Binoculars ?

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I would agree with buying 10x50's as they are steady and make it easier to learn the sky and star hop, I do have a pair of the celestron 15z70's great power but you really need to get use to steadying the binos and best when you have experience of the sky and star hopping!

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I started off with the 15x70s, they are great! Amazing value for money.

Given the choice of 10x50s and 15x70s, I'd say that 10x50s are a better option - mainly due to the wider field of view which will make it much easier to find things and the fact that when hand held the image will be much more stable.

15x70 are just about hand hold-able however the shaking will make it harder to study the objects you are looking at in detail and you may find it hard to tolerate. I tend to lean against the car / wall / window or lay on a chair when I'm using mine for any period of time. Unless you plan to do most of your observing from a location where you have support available I'd recommend 10x50. Since getting a telescope I am far less tolerant of the shake I get with my 15x70s (after all the scope doesn't move at all).

If I were to make my buying decision again, I'd get 10x50s with a wide angle and a light weight. At the same time, I don't regret the 15x70s, I have had hours and hours of fun with them :)

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I have 10x50 bins and they are great (mind you I've never tried stronger ones). I'm a newb of about a month or so and have seen some lovely skies on the odd clear night (not this last week).

I am learning constellations and star names and general sky navigation. I suppose it makes sense to go 'outside in' rather than straight for DSO's. I love the wide FOV and when I went to a darker site was amazed at the number of stars up there. I am happy with bins for the time being but have no scope so have no choice! Looking to get a scope later on by which time hopefully I will know my way around as I don't like the idea of 'easier' GOTO. I think part of the buzz will be star hopping my own way around with the satisfaction of finding something without much aid. But that's just me, each to their own.

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Ive just recently got a pair of 15x70 celestrons and after a night out with them quickly realised I needed a tripod, it was hard to hold them steady for over a few seconds at a time. Got my tripod and mount from FLO now though :) but just waiting for another clear night, doesn't look like it'll be any time soon with all this snow like :( the whole setup cost about £150 like but i don"t plan on getting my first scope for a while because i want to get to know the sky and what it is Im looking at before upgrading to a scope and even then im sure I'll still use them a lot

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