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Which Scope For Imaging?


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I am in the market for a new imaging scope but I am not sure which way I should go. I have a Mesu 200 mount so weight is not an issue.

I have tried a 10" newt f4 but the image seen to be soft and slightly out of focus so I don't know if that is an issue.

The 4" apo gives me some fantastic details but the scope is slow. I would like something must faster.

So I am looking for a fast telescope which some crisp image.

Your advise would be great.


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Have you checked out the collimation of the newt?

Guiding issues might also be the root of the "soft/focus" issues, what shape are your stars?

I use a 10" f4.8 newt for DSO and planetary imaging and have had good results,

Don't give up on the newt it can be a great imaging scope.


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I can spend up to 2k for my new scope.

It could be a collimation issue but going by the laser collimator everything seem to be perfect. The collimator is collimated properly as I did a check on that but still it could be a problem.

The stars are round but bloated.

Thank you for your help.


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It's a strange question. What sort of focal length do you want, long for the small things or short for the large? The Mesu will happily handle either, of course.

The budget slighty falls between two stools but £2K would buy you a second hand Tak (though probably not an FSQ.)

Or you could go for a big Newt. The Mesu would make this easier to manage.

Focal length is your first desion, I reckon.


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