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Am I doing the right thing?

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A beginner waiting for all this frustrating cloud to clear so I can start getting to grips with my first 'proper' telescope - a Dobsonian200. I'm confident that i'm doing the right thing by investing in a Cheshire collimator & Telrad (the finderscope which came with the telescope is not helping my back pain!), but i'm also contemplating investing in another eyepiece. Would this be a good move? I was thinking of either a 4mm or 6mm and one of decent quality - any suggestions please?

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oh yes a telrad should come standard with dob and a cheshire is all you need to collimate a dob, i woudnt invest in a high power eyepiece as the seeing conditions in the uk wont allow you to use them much i would get a very good 8mm or a very very good UWA25mm

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