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Trip to Mombasa


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Hi everyone and happy New Year !

I have just got back from a trip to Mombasa and I dont think I have ever seen clearer skies than there. I only took along my 10x50 binos but wow !! it was like using a 12" dob everything was so clear and detailed. It took some getting used to seeing Orion with betelgeuse in the bottom left hand corner but Orions sword looked fantastic even with naked eye. i could just ( i think ) make out the Tarantula Nebula in the south . After the show at the hotel had finished at 10.30 -1100 pm I would grab my binos and sit on the beach for an hour or so just scanning the skies. A real privilege for me and my family to enjoy some time out there , it's a fantastic part of the world and the people are amazing .

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Interesting, did you get to travel around much?

Kenya seems like it would be one of the more, shall we say safer central countries to view the eclipse from this year.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Its our second time there and we did all the travelly bits last time but this year we needed a break as my wife had a tough 2012 ( lost her dad and her mum went into a home with Alzheimers ). As far as safety is concerned we would walk along the beach at night and never had any problems , if anything it was the oposite as the local people are really friendly and they remembered us from 8 years ago . A lovely place to visit.
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