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Multiple AVIs in Registax 6

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Morning all. I am just starting out using an Xbox cam and 200P dob to image Jupiter. Please can someone tell me in simple steps how to stack multiple avi's in Registax?

Do I process each video separately and then load up the resultant images and stack those or do I combine the videos as one video and stack that?

I have tried YouTube and google with no luck other than a good general guide to the program.

Thanks in advance. Bob.

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Hi there - please check out my site mauton.co.uk

I am using exactly the same setup you have 200p dob / xbox webcam and registax .... would be interesting to compare results.

Basically I also use PIPP which gives me the avi split into single frames - which are then processed within registax.

PIPP also has a batch mode which you can join avi files. PIPP also centers the images for you.

Let me know how you get on !

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I setup the scope so that as jupiter enters the left of the view i begin recording. I then stop just as it passes across to the right of the view.

I would say I manage 30-40 seconds worth of avi before it is out of view.

I did try nudging the scope/Dob a little, but this just created smeared images.

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Will get the settings I use although I tend to have to vary the brightness wildly on the night!

I got about 20 seconds on each if just 3 recordable passes before the clouds arrived last night, so a meagre 450 frames to play with to give me the attached image. I console myself knowing I didn't have enough frames but I am learning the ropes of this complex game!


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very impressive !

If your using sharpcap - it should automatically create a log file which shows the settings for each avi (look in the same folder).

So walk me through what you did.

0. webcam hooked straight onto the telescope?

1. Used PIPP to combine the 3 avi files and create image files?

2. stacked all of these files in registax.

3. did you change any settings in registax

4. did you use any further image processing ?

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