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Extention tube for Lodestar!


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I`ve just got a Lodestar guide ccd to go on an ST80 guide scope and even though I`ve tried a barlow lens minus the lens to hold the Lodestar to get more back focus its still not enough and I need a 1.25" eyepiece extention tube about 75mm long but can`t seem to find them anywhere and wondered where others have got theirs from for a similar setup as mine please?



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I had a second de-lensed Barlow kicking around so I Araldited it into the one I already had (anti-flexure) and use it like that. Works fine, but the screw fit idea is good.

If I were you I'd order a second ST4 cable because they are notoriously feeble and inappropriate for outdoor use. One of ours failed and all the shops said the same thing; we keep selling out of them...

Ts also do a nylon cable guide for the Lodestar. It's nearly 30 euros but improves the notoriously poor cable input into the camera.


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