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JUPITER 10.12.l2


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Hi all,

Just posting an image of Jupiter that I obtained on 10th December. This was processed using the 1.5x drizzle option in Autostakkert 2 after initial processing using Pipp. Imaged using a Celestron C8, Revelation x2.5 barlow and DBK618. Have also attached non drizzled image for comparison. Thanks for looking!

Best regards,




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Thanks for the replies guys they are much appreciated. Yes Tim, just follow the link kindly provided by GlassWalker and you will find an extremely useful piece of software free to download. I use this to sort the wheat from the chaff as it were and to centre the image in each frame. Works brilliantly before I load the resultant edited AVI into Autostakkert to work its magic! As for the seeing - just pure luck... that that night was half decent. Had nights of hopeless seeing before.....and nights of hopeless seeing since.....when it`s not raining of course.

Best regards,


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Hi Tim,

Yes there is a slight edge artifact on the left side of the non-drizzled image. This was removed when I drizzled the image which some think gives a more natural image. I have tweaked the levels of the non - drizzled image slightly which I think improves a little?

Best regards,



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Ralph ,

I do agree with you, it does give the impression of a natural finish to the image, but loses a tiny bit (IMO) in the sharpness & contrast. Could be wrong!

It is still a cracking image in it's own right, and some nice work done. :icon_salut:

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Totally agree Tim you do lose a bit of the sharpness and contrast with drizzle. I am still quite pleased how it turned out though - I had to try! Now if we could all get some decent clear weather - courtesy of a massive high pressure.......let`s hope for a clear start to the New Year!

Best regards,


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Totally agree Tim you do lose a bit of the sharpness and contrast with drizzle. I am still quite pleased how it turned out though - I had to try! Now if we could all get some decent clear weather - courtesy of a massive high pressure.......let`s hope for a clear start to the New Year!

Best regards,


I hear you on the weather front (pardon the pun)we all do quite well given our climate, but thats half the battle/fun if it wasn't a challenge then we wouldn't do it. You have every right to be pleased with the image drizzled or not you went out did what we do, nice one, i/we know how difficult it is to get any kind of image, so I'll raise a glass (wee dram) and toast clear and dark skies for the new year to you. :happy7:

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