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taken photos what scope ?

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Hi, neither of these scopes would be very good for photo's, the st80 is usually only used as a guide scope for an AP set up. I'm a newbie myself with this so cant really give much advice, other than the above. Im sure someone will be along soon 2 give u 'proper' advice.

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Hi, neither of these scopes would be very good for photo's, the st80 is usually only used as a guide scope for an AP set up. I'm a newbie myself with this so cant really give much advice, other than the above. Im sure someone will be along soon 2 give u 'proper' advice.

The ED80 on an eq5 would be a good start tho as the ED is an apochromatic refractor. http://www.pulsar-optical.co.uk/prod/telescopes/sky-watcher/proseries/edrefractors3.html.
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Well u could modify an x-box webcam?? I'll send u a link and a couple of images i got with one when i get back from work, its not hard to do, im useless at techy things but managed it well & i got some great images & i'v only got a sw 130m scope (£170 and £5 for the webcam). The pics arnt on this laptop so i'll send u the link & images later 2nite.

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Hi that would be great to see ime interested what you can photo on a buget

This is the link on how to do the modification, its quite long but very helpful, the only bit i was unsure of was wether or not to take the IR filter out (Dont, so thats one less thing to think about).

Capture 12_9_2012 7_44_02 PM.bmp This was my second attempt at Jupiter, i used a 2xbarlow with the cam, the x-box cam once modified goes into the focuser of your scope & acts like a 5-6mm eye piece. to capture the image u use this http://www.sharpcap.co.uk/ and to stack the avi for the final image download this http://www.astronomie.be/registax/download.html, it helps to have a mount with a motor drive, which comes with the Skywatcher 130m. There are a few good tutorials on using the software on this http://www.astronomyshed.co.uk/.

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You can do AP with an ST80. I've taken some basic photos that were reasonable satisfying with mine - M27, M31, and M33 all came out OK and were fun to do.

Here is a couple of recent threads:

What limited me with the ST80 was not the scope but me 4SE mount - just plain too wobbly.

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