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Does Anybody Know Of Any Links / Books To Do With Astro Theology


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Saw this on youtube:

It is very 'blended' between different cultures. Have realized I would be very Interested in learning about the ancient Greek (am learning about the ancient Greeks now & ......nothing) side of this, as thats the basis of western astronomy, and how if traveled & influenced India/ Europe/ China, and possibly Druid astro theology also. I sure would like a wide & well balanced understanding on this subject to do with ancient cultures ect. To learn the observations/ stories to compare with the modern understanding. This lecture has presented more questions than it has answers though unfortunately.

Does anybody know about this? Does anybody know any particular books or 'links' to books, anything that could help me on my quest? Or am I just being crazy??? Whats the general opinion?

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Perhaps a more fruitful line of enquiry would be the study of Archaeoastronomy which is an important sub-discipline of anthropology and more directly, archaeology - and can be considered the study of how people interacted with the stars and how they felt the stars interacted with them. In this sense, the discipline would be the study of the knowledge, interpretations and practices of ancient, (modern, and postmodern) cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena. It follows that astrotheology would be a chapter herein on how given authorities derived theologies founded on observation and knowledge of the celestial bodies.

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Have 'skimmed' a few chapters of astro-theology books and am seeing some interesting stories although it would seem they do need 'sieving out' so to say as to avoid the, um, opinionated elaborations. Am currently looking at some reviews on amazon to do with archaeoastronomy, going by them, it seems to deal with the more common, widespread viewpoints from a historical perspective so seems to me a better place to get started.

Still, should keep me busy I suppose xD,

Thank you for your input gentlemen!

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