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SGL8 (I know this is wrong area, Sorry)


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But I cannot start a new thread in the SGL8 official area, which I understand the reason for.

However regarding SGL8, I know the main rally area is sold out. So I have spoken with Lucksall direct and the nice lady I spoke with advised me there is space on the park, but obviusly not in the rally area.

What I am considering doing is booking into the park and seeing if some kind soul would allow me to set up my scope with them, otherwise my viewing will be impaired because the rest of the site wont have any light reduction measures, plus I would be one my own :rolleyes:

So anyone got room for me and my 12" Dob to set up on nights of 14th and 15th. I don't mind paying a little if needed. (hoping the 12" dob teaser might work as a bit of a carrot to some, lol)

I am on holiday on the 17th to Lanzarote, so cant stay any longer... :sad:



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