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Europa transit 29 November 2012


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Just managed to catch the tail end of this. Of the choices "image the entire transit" and "have dinner with one's wife" I opted for the long-term peace and harmony thus missing the start :) Seeing was beautiful, too. Any lack of quality is entirely down to my lack of skill.

127 Mak, SPC900, 2.5x barlow and extension. 50% of the images from captures of 1800 frames stacked for each.



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Lovely set of photos James - loads of detail :smiley:

They show the moons disk becoming more obviously defined against the planets surface as it reaches the limb. Your images are much more detailed than my visual view of the event was but it's nice to see this effect confirmed.

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Lovely set of photos James - loads of detail :smiley:

They show the moons disk becoming more obviously defined against the planets surface as it reaches the limb. Your images are much more detailed than my visual view of the event was but it's nice to see this effect confirmed.

Thanks :) It does seem that the moon becomes significantly better defined, doesn't it? Near the meridian you'd probably struggle to pick it out visually, but as it gets to the limb it seems to really stand out. I'm quite pleased I caught it crossing the limb. It wasn't that clear from the initial view on-screen that I'd definitely picked it up.


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I've just looked up the size of Europa. It's close to one quarter of the diameter of Earth. Actually not a huge amount smaller than our own Moon. So, make that bright little dot four times bigger in each direction and that's us compared to Jupiter. There's a sobering thought :)


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