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New solar/planetary camera advice please


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Hi All,

I am going to get a new camera for sun/moon/planetary imaging but am getting a little bit lost…...

The main thing that I want to achieve is a full disc solar image without resorting to mosaics through my Lunt LS35 (about 400mm FL). This scope worked really well with a mono DMK21 but the two main issues for me were associated with the need for 3 or 4 panes to get a full solar disc. For the whole routine from capture to finished processing took too long and life at present does not allow me much time. It also meant several hot spots from an uneven illumination of the chip by the scope.

I would also really like to do lunar mosaics and planetary imaging mainly through an 8" SCT F10 that I can 2x barlow.

I want a mono camera. I don't want to spend more than £500 and am selling astro-bits to fund most of it. I have sold the DMK21to part fund this (but am now wondering if I should have held onto it for planetary stuff!!!)

The Imaging Source DMK41 would get the solar disc but having read a bit it seems that people question the limitations of 15fps max setting stating the 7.5 is the more usable frame rate.

If limited to a usable 7.5 on planetary stuff, what problems would I encounter? How "bad" a choice would it be for planetary imaging?

The problem with the DMK31 is that on a field of view calculator (Ron Wodaski's version) it just clips the edge of the solar disc! It's plus side is that it has a higher max frame rate. I could do a 2 frame mosaic of the sun but then I have to get rid of two hot spots from an uneven illumination. Does anyone have a link to a good tutorial for flat fielding solar mosaics?

The other thing that I have read about the DMK 31 and 41 is that they are old cameras now and quite pricey for what they are. Any suggestions for cameras meeting my needs?

Big long post - sorry!!! Any thoughts gratefully appreciated.


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