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Ionian night sky from "Two Rock Bay"

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We are very fortunate to have a share in a yacht based in the Ionian, Greece. I've just been browsing some photos from our last trip in September and came across some RAWs I had done nothing with. The plan had been to get some deep Milky Way shots but time passed quicker than expected and just as I had everything aligned, framed and focused the big bright moon came up. The pics I had were basically framing shots which is why I hadn't really looked at them. Anyway, having another look and I quite like them :laugh:

We were anchored at a place known as Two Rock Bay. It is an idyllic, remote spot on the mainland across the water and a little to the south of Paxos. Without the moon it has a reasonably dark sky.

Whilst taking one of the shots I thought I saw a meteorite flash across the sky and this actually shows up in one of the photos

All the pics were taken with a modded Canon 550D and, I think, a Tokina 16-50mm zoom at F2.8 ISO 800





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Thanks guys, these photos do bring back happy memories! It's great sitting on a warm beach looking out to the boat bobbing at anchor under a dark sky, twiddling with the camera and having the occasional slurp of ouzo.

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