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Skyliner 150p Dob Camera Help!

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Hi Guys,

As Christmas is coming up (so excited!) I have already bought everyone their present's and I'm thinking of treating myself as well! :)

I really need some help from members that have experience with photography/video with cameras on a Dob that would also work with my Skywatcher Skyliner 150p dob.

If you would be so kind could you please let me know what I should buy for this to be possible? My main concern is for taking pictures of Planet's however if DSO's are possible then that is a bonus! I currently hold my phone up to the lens which is fine but not ideal to say the least.

Thanks guys :)

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I have the U.S. equivalent of the 200p dob. I have both a dSLR and a SPC900 web cam that I use for photography. Besides photographing the moon, everything else has been simply a lesson in frustration for me. For instance, keeping Jupiter in the field of view long enough to get enough frames to stack from a video is just plain difficult. Here are my best attempts so far.

Shots from a dSLR (about six individual shots stacked):


Stacked frames from a video taken with the web cam:


But the moon is a gorgeous shot on a dSLR:


Frankly, I gave up on trying to image anything besides the moon with a dob. I ordered an ED80 and HEQ5. DSOs are going to be impossible with a manual dob because the exposures won't be long enough without trails.

I hate to be a Debbie Downer but just setting expectations. You can get some absolutely amazing lunar shots with a camera connected to that scope. But be prepared to work hard for anything else.

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Thank you very much for your helpful input as well as providing me with pictures so I can actually see :)

I think your pictures are great by the way but I know what you mean, the planet pictures just are not sharp enough at all except for the moon which is very easy to track. I wouldn't be using exposures anyway just raw video and camera footage so I think it would be even worse in my case.

Thanks a lot for the detailed advice, appreciate it :) I will just leave the camera and upgrade me eyepiece instead until i get a new scope one day :D

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