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(water butt) stand for 250 / 10" dob

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Hi, several people on here have recommended a water butt stand to stand the dob base on to raise it esp for overhead /zenith viewing. I've checked dimensions and can find ones to fit but all of the stands I see have 'cut outs' at 3 or 4 points so if they come where the feet are I won't get a stable platform. Am I missing something ? Can anyone who has one that fits nicely tell me what make theirs is?

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I use a water butt stand with my 8" and although you can line the feet up with the cut out parts you can easily avoid them. In actual fact I use mine with the stand upside down as the rim is an exact fit for the Dob base and the whole base sits on the stand rather than rely on the feet. It feels perfectly stable and avoids the risk of the feet slipping down one of the holes. I think the bases are similar sizes - ,mine is just under 21" diameter - but even if it is bigger it would make no difference used that way up.

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