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Gemini and Cancer.


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Just some good doubles: These can be picked out at x48 and bear higher mags,

Cancer, Tegamine (Zeta)


Phi 2...which I found very tight and quite faint , up to x200

Gemini, Kappa....showing a really great contrast in magnitude with the faint companion, really worth finding.

Then a spin over to the Cone and Rosette news in Monoceros and a quick look at M3 as Bootes is rising in the north east. Spotted Saturn coming up just before the sun,


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Nice one, Nick. Another curious object in the Cancer is OJ287 (BL-Lac object or quasar). This is the most distant object I have spotted, at 3.5 Gly. It was near its maximum at mag 13.8 when I spotted it, and still very difficult in my 8" scope, but spotting that little flicker of light, and knowing those photons traveled for 3/4 of the age of the Earth before hitting my retina made it worth it.

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