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NGC2371-2 in Gemini.


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Frosty clear night. After an evening on Pegasus and Andromeda, this morning brought Gemini high in the south west.

From Wasat , the Eskimo nebula NGC2392 was bright and clear with a good halo at x120. Easy to pick out with it's direct view disappearing act of planetaries.

The hair drier was busy keeping the ice/dew off the ep and Lightbridge primary.

Then onto the shoulders of the twins and NGC2371-2. This planetary nebula appeared as a non stellar "double" at x48, sitting in a square of stars.

At x120 there were two points of light, the upper in the Dob fov being more prone to disappear.There was a slight halo to this unusual bi-lobed planetary. Have a look and see what you think.

Then a drop down to the Cone Nebula, at x40 there was a great deal of nebulosity here, not bad from the edge of town,neat


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I had a look at my notes and found this for NGC 2371/2, which I observed in November 2003 with an 8" f6 at a "dark" site with a 78% moon:

"Remarkable object - 2 fuzzy stars stuck together! West slightly brighter. Effect is obvious in 8mm plossl without filter; UHC improves view. Bipolar nature even apparent in 20mm plossl without UHC. Faint, but easier than I expected."

I spent the whole of that session looking at nebulae (presumably because of the moonlight): 7662, 2392, 1535, 2022 and 2023/24 were all seen. A reminder to me that I shouldn't be so easily put off by the moon!

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Your description is spot on, Nick. I spotted this one with the C8 on January 2 this year. It is a curious planetary, and a lot easier than its listed magnitude suggests. I switched the UHC filter in and out of the optical path, and that confirmed its nebular nature. I would not be surprised if a 5" scope could pick it up well.

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