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Stacking - [OMG] What has happened here? ...... HELP!!!!


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I have attached 2 images from the same data run as I have come to a end of my knowledge and I hope that someone can shed some light on this.

Imaging with an Atik 314L+ at 0 degrees using Baader LRGB filters.

The first image shows 4 combined and uncalibrated stack of the LRGB data (uncalibrated to ensure that the issue isn't calibration files) - I have corners missing on the green and luminance data. When I look at each individual sub, the corners are all there, but for some reason this is happening. I am stacking in Maxim, as I always do, using an SD combine and an automatic correlation alignment.

Can anyone suggest what is happening here?


The second image is a stretched (butchered!!) uncalibrated and stacked blue filter sub. As you can see, I have some kind of odd rectangle in the sub. Don't know if this is a related issue - the sizes are different.


Can anyone help with any of this? I just don't understand what is going on.

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