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new to widefield

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hi all

Just been taking some shots of orion with my 127mm APO but would love to try some widefield imaging.

I already have a guided EQ6 plus a modded Canon 1100d camera body.

I have just won a SMC Takumar 200 f4 prime lens. It looks in great condition.

I understand I need an adapter to connect the lens to my DSLR body. The lens and adapter are yet to arrive.

I currently use an Astronomik CLS clip filter to reduce LP.

This is the adapter I have ordered from Ebay. Do you guys think this will be ok with the CLS to reach infinity? I was just getting a little confused after reading some posts about using the CLS with these adapters.

After reading about widefield it seems getting sharp focus can be tough, so got a mini Bahtinov mask .

I may need to stop down to f5.6 to reduce coma, apart form these, any special considerations when using the SMC for astro?

All help and advice much appreciated

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Go yes. It's a serious Piece of kit. I really like this Scope. The main issue I was having were purple halos around bright stars when imaging. The astronomik cls filter sorted this out. Very sharp optics and easy to use. I have the William optics 0,8 flattener/ reducer as well and it gives pretty good results out to the edges. There's a few images on my web www.mindburner.co.uk

Visually it's super. Stars are sharp and planets detailed and colour cast free. Just not as good for viewing ad my 12 inch dob. But pretty good for a 4.5 inch


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Cool, thanks!

Some excellent images on the website mate. (music is good too)

Many thanks for that. I dabble a bit in the music and enjoy the early Gary Numan stuff and stull like killing joke. Managed to get played on local radio a few months back. Getting a bit old for the teenies though:)

Hoping to get some widefield with my new lens. SMC takumar 200mm. Got a mini Bahtinov mask too to help with focus.



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