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IC1805 - Heart Nebula in HST palette


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This image has taken over a month to complete with a couple of false starts during that time (set up, framed, focused, auto guider running and then clouds appear). I shot the SII data on November 5th with fireworks going off for the first few hours, thankfully they don't emit light in the SII 5nm bandwidth.

This was taken with the Takahashi FSQ106ED at f5, FLI ML8300 on a Paramount ME, auto guided by a SX lodestar and OAG using dithering. Processing was curves/levels, contrast and selective colour.

Exposure details are 19x30 minutes SII, 10x30 minutes Ha and 14x30 minutes OIII combined so SII:Ha:OIII = R:G:B

I tried this subject a few years ago with a TMB115/SX H36 combination, this can be seen on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk for comparison

There is a full size version of this at the following link


Thanks for looking

Best wishes


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