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Really old 8 x 30 Binos

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First night out with a pair of really old (grandfathers) pair of 8 x 30 binos. It was certainly better than the naked eye

, and I managed to stumble across a lovely group of stars Called Mirfak. Or at least that's what SkySafari told me it was.

I also tried to see if I could see Andromeda with them and I thought I could see the tiniest hint of a smudge whilst looking to the side of where I thought it should be. after checking with SkySafari again I was definitely in the right area! Question is would it be possible to see Andromeda with such low power binos? Also would it make much of a difference buying some new 10 x 50 binos? I have my heart set on a Skymax 127 telescope but after tonight I realise how fantastic it is looking at clusters ad not just planetary objects. Any advise for a total newbie would be great fully received.

Cheers Jay

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yeah in a dark site you can just make out the fuzzy of andromeda with your eye so some magnification will bring it out [m33 is visible as well with the naked eye in a dark site most people on here start with 10x50's or 15x70 10x50 are ideal size as the 15x70's are heavy to hold after 10 mins or so [unless you use a tripod./monopod]

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Thanks dtr42, that was a quick reply! I did notice the lack of circulation in my arms after about 30mins with small binos. Might just have to hurry the purchase of a scope if we get more of these clear nights. Just have to make a decision on which one to buy....... Might take a while though :-)

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i had bins for over a year before buying my first scope and still use them now [andromeda in bins is very nice ] most people who are going for visiual observing tend to go for a dob [150-200 mm is the usual starter ] and on an eq mount the 130p skywatcher or celestron are good , i would join a local astronomy club and have a cheeky peek at their scopes ,you'll find most club's are freindly with very helpful people who are usually very happy at sharing their hobby

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They are silly cheap!!

Nice scopes by the way! I'm still trying to decide on the Skymax 127 EQ3 or the Evostar 120 Eq5. I'm currently thinking the skymax will be faster to get setup in the back garden just because its smaller, but the Evo will have a quicker cool down. I just can't make my mind up! Arrrrr.....

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If you were impressed with your Granddads old 8x30 bins, then a pair of modern 15x70 bins will serve you well, as they are of reasonable quality and price at some outlets, you don`t need to pay out for a tripod just yet either, use your yard broom with an old towel over the brush head to rest the bins on as a stabiliser. this will give you plenty of time to evaluate what scope you want in the future :)


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