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CCD camera help!

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Hi Olly,

Yes, all my images have been taken with Artemis Capture. I will send you some data later, when I get home, but this effect doesn't seem to alter between fits, jpeg, etc. I'm just hoping its something I'm doing wrong and not the camera... We are doing nothing any differently from when we image with the 314L+.

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Is it possibly some conflict between the 314L+ drivers and the 460ex drivers ? I guess you've run both cameras off the same computer.

I've posted 3 raw FITS files from my 460ex, maybe these can help you compare ?

1) a raw FITS bias frame

2) a 3 minute dark frame FITS (-5 degrees)

3) a 10 minute Luminance frame FITS (-5 degrees)

Anyway, hope you solve your issue...

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Is it possibly some conflict between the 314L+ drivers and the 460ex drivers ? I guess you've run both cameras off the same computer.

I've posted 3 raw FITS files from my 460ex, maybe these can help you compare ?

1) a raw FITS bias frame

2) a 3 minute dark frame FITS (-5 degrees)

3) a 10 minute Luminance frame FITS (-5 degrees)

Anyway, hope you solve your issue...

Thank you for that- I actually run my 460 on a separate laptop from the 314! I think the camera may end up taking a trip back to Atik... Will post the result when I know it. Many thanks again to everyone for all your help and interest.


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I think the camera is innocent.

I've now looked carefully at a couple of Zoe's FITS straight from the camera. The 8x8 artefacts are totally absent and the files look fine to me. Since Dennis tells me that JPEG compression works 8x8 and since the artefacts in the stack are very obviously 8x8 I have to suspect that some unwanted attempt at compression is creeping into the workflow. I'm hopeless at IT so I don't know where this could be happening. Would it be possible for the software to be misreading the file types, for instance, and treating them as JPEGS? Zoe says she is using the same workflow as for the 314L, a workflow which works fine. If this is so then the computer must be doing something differently, hence my file mis-reading theory. But this isn't my strong point at all.


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Zoe - Please forgive me for stating the obvious, but as you're using a different laptop from the one you use with the 314L+, is it possible that the settings are somehow different... or maybe the versions on the "460" laptop are different? What software do you use for stacking...?

A few months ago, having used DSS for AGES with no issue and having changed nothing at all, one day it had a hissy fit on me and I had some very weird banding that I'd never seen before... Even reprocessing an old stack it showed the same. I uninstalled, reinstalled, rechecked the settings and ran it again and all was well again. I'm now in the process of converting to processing in Maxim as a result.

Do you have a dropbox you can put all the raw ftts files in and share with us all to try our various stacking software and then we can see what we get?

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