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Farewell Celestron 90EQ


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The day has arrived and i now know that it is time to let go of my 90EQ refractor. It has been sitting in a cupboard almost the whole time i have owned it,gathering dust and never being used. Today i decided it was time to say good buy to the scope and good ridance to the EQ mount/tripod.

I have wrapped them all in bin-liners and relegated them to the garage for etenity (or until i decide to do something else with it).

I wish i could say that i have many fond memories of the scope but to be honest the only ones worth mentioning are the first time i saw Saturn and also M42 with the scope.

I never really got to grips with the scope or give it a fair chance due to the EQ mount, which took all the fun out of astronomy for me and it became a chore to setup and do any observing.


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I have the same feelings about my Meade ETX80. It has been relegated to my shed.

Have you simply stopped using your Meade ETX80 because you now have a CPC 800?.

I'd LOVE to still be able to use my 90mm refractor as an Alt-Az but i dont want to invest too much on a different mount/tripod for it to be used. I'd ideally want an old fashioned wooden German equatorial mount/tripod like the one i had as a kid for my 60mm Prinz refractor.

I think i might be able to find one second hand somewhere online. Its a shame to let a great scope go to waste simply because of the heavy,bulky mount/tripod.

I might even be able to mount the OTA on the mount that my 8SE uses?.

That's an idea i will look into.

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Why dont you grab one of those GSO/AstroTech , Alt /AZ mounts ? I had one under my SV 80mm Aplanet and since selling that scope and getting my Takahashi FS60C the mount is still here holding the Tak well and I beileve one of these mounts will give your 90mm OTA a new lease on life . I understand the frustrations with the eq2 mount woefully small for this tube , give it a thought ?

The GSO/Astro Tech mounts are great .



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